Being a student at Ecole hôtelière de Lausanne (EHL)

July 24, 2018 •

5 min reading

Being a student at Ecole hôtelière de Lausanne (EHL)

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Being a student at Ecole hôtelière de Lausanne (EHL) is a unique experience that changes you for life. They say best memories are made at university.

Let’s see what some of EHL’s outstanding students and recent graduates remembered from their educational journey.

Augusto Grau:

Former President of the Like Eat committee

"One day during AP, some friends of mine were on their way to Watergate, where the "FF Rehab Brunch" was taking place. I saw everyone dressed in kitchen uniform and asked if it was for the Like Eat Committee. After giving me a suspicious look, he asked- "Didn't you receive the email?". This is when we found out that the committee I had signed up for during the Intro Week made a mistake and never informed me of its activities. I rushed to the AP dorm, "cheffed up" and we drove to the Watergate where I spent an entire afternoon getting my degree in "Master Fryer". That day I really bonded with the team and the values of the committee. Later on, I would even arrange my days off from my AP internship at the Beau Rivage so that I could help out at the events.

Fast-forward into BOSC3 while I was searching for an Administrative Internship, I came across Design Development for Marriott, a job I never thought of applying for due to logistics. An ex-Like Eat member encouraged me to apply and I ended up with a very challenging internship which helped nurture my knowledge of the F&B industry and Interior Design.”

Get out of your comfort zone and exert yourself to achieve goals. When leading a committee, work to the point when the team can stand on its own feet even if you are no longer around.

Antoine Plumey:

Former President of Fete Finale 2015

“The Fête Finale 2015 itself is so far my favorite memory from EHL. Many students believe that being on the organizing side of an event means that you don't enjoy it as much as the guests do. In my opinion it's wrong. Creating lifetime memories and unforgettable moments for 2000 students is a unique and amazing feeling. Working hard during 12 months for an 8-hour-long event might sound ridiculous, but when you experience so many feelings, laughs and stories, it all suddenly makes sense. The expectations are so high for the Fête Finale that it makes you push your limits and give your best to make sure you will throw the best party ever. However, the reward is magnificent. It all starts with the smiles on everyone's faces when they arrive to FF and ends with their tipsy faces when they leave at 4 am. I was, of course, exhausted when we turned the lights off and shut the music down, but still so happy to have succeeded in this project with a lot of appreciation from guests, especially the graduating students.”

EHL is getting academically more challenging year after year, but it shouldn't stop students from getting involved in extra projects alongside their studies. Committees is where you meet amazing people and have the best moments at EHL. Don't get me wrong, I am not talking only about FF, but ANY committee. It is one of the most rewarding experiences you can get at EHL.


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Michael Staub:

Former Student Council President, Co-founder and former Head of the Buddy Program, Assistant Coordinator at SHS (Students Helping Students), Student Ambassador, as well as the member of the First Aid team

“I will never forget my first day at EHL, how I was sitting in the Aula during the opening ceremony listening to all the important speakers welcoming us to the school. Everything seemed so exciting but so terrifying at the same time. I looked around and I did not know anyone. The Student Council President was one of the speakers during this ceremony and I thought 'wow, this student really achieved something amazing'. Two years later, I was this student standing up on the stage representing the student body as the new Student Council President, something I would never have thought was possible back then. While walking on stage, I almost had tears in my eyes as I was so touched and honored being able to address a few words on behalf of the entire student body to all new students, their parents, relatives, friends as well as the faculty and management of EHL. At the same time, I saw the excitement in the eyes of all these freshmen, which reminded me so much of myself and brought so many great memories back to life.”

You are only getting as much out of the school as you are willing to invest. Step out of your comfort zone, learn and discover every day. The people, whether students, staff, faculty and management are great, meet as many as you can. Four years pass by very quickly; you don't want to regret having not taken all the different opportunities.

Doris Liu:

Former Head of Peer Tutoring for SHS

“My internships were definitely one of, if not, the best memories I had in EHL. These were the opportunities where I learned to link what I have learned in school to what I was seeing at my workplace (quite often, these were more on the soft skills side of the story). I have met so many inspiring people and managed to learn from their experiences and stories. Most importantly, some of them became my mentors and I know that I can always go to them if I need any advice on life, career, management or even relationships!

It was also from these experiences that I learned a lot more about myself through questioning the way I behave, act and think. My internships taught me to be proactive in all forms of learning and to constantly think of myself as clay: ready to be stretched and shaped.”

Stay curious, keep your mind and heart open: to new experiences, knowledge and people, most importantly, the new you. EHL is one of the safest places where you can really learn to fall and stand up again. Cherish the opportunities, people and experiences that you encounter here because they will become an important chapter in your book of life.

Elie Vischel:

Director of TEDxEcoleHôtelièreLausanne (TEDxEHL) in 2015-16

“My favourite memory was when the TEDxEcoleHôtelièreLausanne event started, I was at the back of the Aula in charge of the audio visual systems during the event, and when the TED & TEDx video was on, I started to cry of joy.

I knew at this exact moment, that the event was on! All the team members were working hard and sharing their passion to all attendees!

How can one person resume 4 years of student life in just a single memory... TEDxEHL started to change the way students think. It gave them the opportunity to see that anyone can create something different, something that people will remember...”

Don't hesitate to share, create, organize, change, revolutionize anything that counts for you at EHL! You have 4 years to make things better, to meet incredible people from all over the world, so go for it and live your EHL student life to the maximum!
