Consider your current team and you are likely to recognize several individuals who stand out. Many factors can contribute to this, such as highly efficient work output or the ability to train and develop new recruits. Promotions, bonuses, or other incentives are often given to these people first.
Even though these promising individuals may have plenty of positive traits, can they really be considered high potentials?
The term "high potential employee" refers to an employee who has the skills necessary to become a leader or manager in the future. Their work is characterized by ambition and initiative. In leadership positions, they have the potential, the ability, and the desire to succeed. In most cases, high-potential employees are excellent at their current jobs and have a drive for more responsibility. In their roles, they are willing to overcome any obstacles that may arise.
There is a difference between high-potential employees and high-performing employees. An employee who performs well in their current position is considered high-performing. It is not uncommon for them to exceed their quarterly sales goals by setting and achieving goals. In addition, these employees are capable of staying focused on the task at hand when they are left to their own devices. In order to be a successful leader, they typically lack soft skills, such as leadership and a student mentality.
For new and existing learning centers around the world looking to enhance their academic quality and business performance, EHL Education Experts provide consulting service ranging from opportunity analysis, curriculum design to hiring and training faculty.