For schools to transition to online curriculum delivery, there are many pedagogical and other considerations in addition to IT requirements and dealing with the risks involved.
It is imperative to have a digital culture in order to succeed in the digital age. Creating a digital strategy is crucial, but you also need a culture that supports its execution. Your faculty and staff should be willing and able to understand digital technologies, software integrations and analytical analysis.
It is imperative that you have a centralized data infrastructure and consistent processes across your institution for data management. Data, analytics, APIs, machine learning and other technologies should be used to reinvent processes in your institution - with the goal of lowering costs, reducing course design times, or increasing quality.
Having a flexible IT system will help support rapid change and adaptation. Therefore, your institution should have an infrastructure that offers education continuity and improves the administrative value chain.
Your digital engagement should be reflected in your infrastructure that that allows you to collect real-time and historical data.
For new and existing learning centers around the world looking to enhance their academic quality and business performance, EHL Education Experts provide consulting service ranging from opportunity analysis, curriculum design to hiring and training faculty.