Hospitality News & Business Insights by EHL

5 tips for a successful administrative internship

Written by EHL Insights | May 30, 2019 8:01:00 AM

Yulia has been awarded the best intern of Sheraton Hotels and Resorts in Europe and has shared her top 5 tips on a successful administrative internship.

1. Be aware

If you want to be your best and perform at a high level, start your internship by gathering as much information as possible. It doesn’t matter which department you work in; you need to be aware of EVERYTHING going on in your company.

What are the revenues? Is the company meeting the budget? What are the company’s current marketing projects? Who are the company’s partners? All these questions and many more should be answered within your first few weeks at the company. Information is the key.

2. Don’t spend too much time in the office

I know, it is pretty tempting to sit in the office. However, the best decision you can make is to be away from your desk for at least 60 percent of time. Go on the floor and speak to your customers, check on other departments, simply be physically engaged in the company’s life.

3. Notice more

For you to notice information that is not visible to others you have to overcome obstacles, violate rules and regulations that should be violated.

When somebody tells you: “that’s what we do here, it’s normal”, you should consider it as a wake up call. Ask why this is so and whether it can be done better. Unfortunately, we often take for granted the “normality”, even if it is not very expedient.

4. Analyse

Half of the decisions taken in the absence of alternative options fail. When we notice a greater number of facts and possibilities for the development of events, then our efficiency will increase.

Pay attention to abnormal tendencies, study it until you get clear answers. People often act on the principle of "what you see is what it is." But your task is to understand exactly what information you lack and how to get it.

5. Stop asking for permission

What I learned is that you should never wait for clear signs from above, or for the consent of some influencer in your life, and most assuredly, for someone to grant you permission. YOU are in charge of your actions and they will define if your internship is successful. If you want to change your company’s SMM strategy, or introduce a new business concept to your boss, then do it! Of course, do your research before you take an action. But it is certainly better not to overthink, just make a decision and then act on it.”

Photo credit: Sheraton Palace Moscow