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A BLEND of Resilience and Human Connections

Written by Ana McFee | Jul 19, 2024 7:26:20 AM

Not all of us can say they have a passion or a calling, but if you do, passion is a powerful force that drives you to pursue your dreams and achieve extraordinary goals. Whether it's a love for wine, art, science, or any other field, the journey toward mastering a passion is often filled with both thrilling moments and significant challenges.

On this path, resilience becomes a key ingredient for success. The ability to recover and grow from setbacks allows us to overcome obstacles and keep moving forward. Each challenge we face becomes a learning experience, strengthening our resolve and honing our skills.

Equally important are the human connections we make along the way. The support of family, friends, mentors, and a community of like-minded individuals provides the encouragement and guidance we need. These relationships remind us that we are not alone in our pursuit and that collective strength can help us overcome even the toughest obstacles.

During the latest Women in Leadership initiative event hosted at EHL, I had the pleasure of meeting two inspirational women: Malika Pellicioli, director of the feature-length documentary BLEND, co-produced with RTS – Radio Télévision Suisse, and Johanna Dayer, an EHL alumna and Master of Wine candidate featured in the documentary.

The BLEND documentary focuses on the Master of Wine examination, the most challenging credential in the wine world. Most candidates take nearly ten years to complete the rigorous course—a true marathon requiring iron will, perseverance, and many sacrifices. The film follows four Swiss women in their thirties as they strive to earn their place in the world's most exclusive wine club.

"I was surprised to find that there were only 2 Swiss Masters of Wine, and no female Swiss Masters of Wine, in a country known for its wine… and I thought this was the perfect topic for a movie!" Malika shared when asked what inspired her.

When I watched the BLEND documentary, I was overwhelmed with a whole spectrum of emotions. Truly! All the protagonists and Master of Wine candidates featured in it displayed immense vulnerability in sharing their stories, inviting us to feel their dedication, doubts, frustrations, happiness, courage, and humor

It was a testament to a meticulously researched and beautifully presented work that conveyed profound authenticity, that captured and portrayed a caring and deeply human perspective.

Beyond the initial "WOW", it triggered me to ask myself:

Do we truly appreciate the role of resilience and human connections in our journeys?

How does a passion grow?

A passion often begins as a spark of interest, a moment of curiosity or inspiration that captures our imagination.

For Johanna, this passion for wine started at 18 years old, just after graduating from high school.

"I completed a vinification (winemaking) in Tuscany to understand the entire wine production process, from selecting the fruit and fermenting it into alcohol to bottling the finished product. This experience confirmed my interest in entering the wine industry. During my studies at EHL, I was fortunate to learn the management side of business, which has enabled me to successfully run my own company today. It’s no surprise that I also joined the WeWine committee at EHL and eventually became its president."

Over time, this initial spark grows as we immerse ourselves in the subject, driven by an intrinsic motivation to learn and explore more. As we gain knowledge and experience, our enthusiasm deepens, transforming a simple interest into a fervent dedication. This growth is nurtured by continuous practice, exposure to new ideas, and the support and encouragement of others who share or recognize our passion.

In fact, as Malika expresses: "I've always loved and dreamed about cinema. Since finishing school at ECAL (École Cantonale d’Art de Lausanne) 10 years ago, I've had the opportunity to work on several projects. Recently, I discovered my preferred genre: documentaries. Documentaries allow me to portray real people and create meaningful relationships with them. I like to take my time and film extensively to ensure I capture the most sincere sequences."

Ultimately, a passion flourishes through a combination of personal commitment, continuous learning, and the invaluable connections we make with others who inspire and support us.

The challenges and setbacks

Pursuing a passion - or any big project for that matter - is typically a journey filled with challenges and setbacks that test our dedication and resolve. These obstacles can come in many forms:

  • the steep learning curves,
  • the time constraints of balancing personal and professional responsibilities,
  • financial pressures,
  • and moments of self-doubt and fear of failure...

As Johanna explains: "Becoming a Master of Wine comes with a significant cost, yet every penny invested holds immense value to me due to the knowledge gained and the personal investment in my growth. Initially, I found innovative ways to mitigate expenses by organizing joint wine tastings with fellow candidates. Additionally, I seized the opportunity to enrich my experience by extending my travels, spending three weeks exploring Australian vineyards instead of solely attending seminars. Furthermore, for the second round of exams, I prioritized comfort and concentration by opting for a larger room than the standard, as showcased in the documentary, to ensure ample space and a conducive environment."

Each setback, whether it’s a failed attempt, a missed opportunity, or an unexpected roadblock, can feel disheartening. However, these challenges are also opportunities for growth. They push us to develop resilience, adapt our strategies, and deepen our commitment. Overcoming these difficulties not only brings us closer to our goals but also strengthens our character and reinforces our passion, making the eventual success all the more rewarding.

Malika comments: "With this documentary, I set out to carve a space for women in a predominantly male sphere, and I believe I hit the mark. Amanda's journey, pausing her Master of Wine pursuit due to pregnancy, encapsulates life's raw authenticity. The essence I wanted to convey? Don't let fear hold you back from chasing your dreams, no matter the hurdles you face."

The role of resilience

Resilience acts as the steadfast force that keeps us moving forward despite obstacles and setbacks. It is the inner strength that allows us to recover from failures, learn from mistakes, and adapt to new challenges with determination and grace.

As Malika notes: "During a conversation with a Master of Wine representative, they revealed an interesting trend: although female candidates are still in the minority, their completion rates surpass those of their male counterparts. This observation highlights a notable aspect of the program's dynamics."

Resilience transforms setbacks into valuable lessons, helping us to refine our approach and deepen our commitment. It enables us to maintain our focus and motivation during tough times, preventing discouragement from derailing our progress.

And Johanna adds: "Making the documentary was a great exercise for me, especially since I dislike cameras and photographs, and we received quite a bit of media attention. This accomplishment was more of a personal goal than a quest for fame, so I learned to use the exposure to support the values and causes I believe in, such as highlighting the Swiss wine industry, particularly from Valais, and promoting organic growing."

By fostering resilience, we develop a mindset that embraces perseverance and optimism, understanding that each challenge is an integral part of the journey. Ultimately, resilience is what sustains us on the path to achieving our dreams, ensuring that our passion continues to burn brightly even in the face of adversity.

The importance of human connections

Encouragement and guidance are necessary to navigate any journey; more so if this journey is very demanding, like the pursuit of a challenging endeavor like the Master of Wine.

Supportive relationships with family, friends, mentors - or even camera crew in some cases - offer emotional sustenance, celebrating our successes and lifting us during difficult times.

As Malika explains, "Making a documentary is also a matter of trust, as participants need to share a lot of themselves to make it work. Building this strong bond and relationship is what makes the film authentic... There were moments during the documentary when the participants felt uneasy with our filming crew around—even though there were only three of us. However, there were also times when they were happy to see familiar faces supporting and encouraging them."

Mentors play a pivotal role by sharing their expertise, offering constructive feedback, and inspiring confidence through their experiences. Engaging with a community of like-minded individuals fosters a sense of belonging and shared purpose, which can be incredibly empowering.

"In the Master of Wine program, you're paired with a mentor from the start. I found myself switching mentors multiple times throughout the journey—embracing a spectrum from nurturing to demanding, each tailored to my evolving needs. It was invaluable to draw from diverse personalities along the way. I consider myself fortunate to have been guided by such an exceptional array of mentors, each contributing uniquely to my growth. And... I look forward to having my mentees!" explains Johanna

These connections create a network of trust and motivation, helping us to stay committed and resilient. Ultimately, the collective strength derived from these relationships not only enhances our personal growth but also enriches our pursuit, making the journey more fulfilling and achievable.

Personal growth and aspirations

The pursuit of a passion not only brings us closer to our dreams but also transforms us, molding our character and nurturing personal growth along the way.

"The Master of Wine program has been a transformative journey for me, becoming an integral part of who I am. It has fostered immense personal growth. "MW" will not only be 2 letters at the end of my name." explains Johanna.

Through this pursuit, we cultivate resilience, learning to persevere in the face of adversity and setbacks, while also fostering adaptability as we navigate changes and uncertainties along the way. This journey helps us cultivate empathy, deepening our understanding of others' experiences and perspectives, and also instills in us a sense of responsibility to give forward.

As Johanna puts it: "I aim to harness the insights gained from my journey and make them impactful. Hence, I've chosen to devote my research paper to addressing a tangible challenge faced in the valuation of wines in Valais, Switzerland. My aspiration is that my findings pave the way for practical application in the future."

In conclusion, the journey toward mastering a passion is a rollercoaster ride, filled with thrilling highs and challenging lows.

Throughout this journey, resilience emerges as a vital ingredient for success. It enables us to bounce back from setbacks, learning and growing stronger with each obstacle we overcome. Moreover, the human connections we forge along the way provide invaluable support and guidance, reminding us that we are not alone in our pursuit.

As illustrated through the inspiring stories of individuals like Malika Pellicioli and Johanna Dayer, the pursuit of passion is not merely about achieving personal goals, but also about giving forward. It involves cultivating empathy, understanding, and a sense of responsibility to contribute positively to the world around us.

"Currently, I have passed all the Master of Wine exams and am now working on my research paper. This phase is similar to a PhD-level research project and requires me to learn many new skills, which drives and motivates me. I receive input from numerous Master of Wine holders and PhD holders, putting me on a steep and rewarding learning curve. My concern is that when it’s finally over, I might feel a void.", shares Johanna. "In the future, I would like to be able to teach and coach Master of Wine candidates."

And if I were to distill one lasting impression from this encounter, it would undoubtedly be Johanna's remark: "Wine tasting is like a cluedo!" This sentiment echoes a familiar wisdom akin to "Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get." It serves as a potent reminder of life's enigmatic nature and our innate curiosity to unravel its mysteries, savoring each moment with intrigue and anticipation.

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