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The intersection of education and technology - EHL Insights | Education

Written by Feng Guo | Feb 24, 2021 11:30:00 PM

The global pandemic has forced students and teachers out of their classrooms and into their homes, creating new virtual learning environments. These changes have helped to accelerate many exciting trends in education and technology that both teachers and students alike should embrace in order to be ready for the future of education and the workplace.


Education and technology

Even before COVID-19, the importance and prevalence of technology in the classroom had begun to grow. The number of educators who said that they had taught an online course increased from 30% in 2013 to 44% by 2018. The use of online education and hybrid learning models in higher education had begun to normalize over the past decade, and the course of the health crisis has helped accelerate this trend.

By forcing education to go remote, teachers have had the opportunity to experiment different digital teaching formats to gain insight about what works well and what is inadequate when engaging with students. As educators begin to learn more about successful online classrooms techniques, these new trends and strategies will continue to be incorporated in teaching, even after in-person learning returns. Many trends will continue to benefit students across all learning environments and allow for more educational opportunities in non-traditional ways.

Some of the particularly striking new trends have been the use of the following formats:

  • Virtual reality and other means of allowing students to have first-hand experiences:
    These types of technological innovations can help students get hands-on experience in their field and assist them in feeling prepared for their future careers. 

  • Gamification:
    Teachers can use a gaming atmosphere to educate and motivate students. They can encourage them to keep moving forward and thoroughly digest the material, which can be more 'fun' in a digital format. 

  • Different classroom formats, such as the incorporation of microlearning:
    These different classroom strategies, which help to incorporate the engagement limitations of a digital platform along with the larger trends impacting students’ attention spans, can benefit learning outcomes. 
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Learning to stay on top of the latest in education and technology

For educators who want to learn more about some of the latest trends in technology, we have compiled a list of articles to guide them through the subject, touching on the latest trends in the field, including those listed above. These insights are key to providing a better understanding of how to improve classroom technology and move forward successfully with the changing times.

Those interested in learning more about the changing styles of education, how the global pandemic along with forced online learning is impacting the future of education, and how technology can be used to better prepare students for their jobs will find these articles enlightening. Whether you currently teach in a remote classroom and want to improve your outcomes, or you want to learn new ways to involve your students in a traditional format, these insights will prove to be invaluable.


Digest the latest information about education and technology

Trends in training: Simulating engagement with tech

In this informative piece, Christina Tavares explores one of the most intriguing trends in training: incorporating simulations into the class. Simulations have tremendous potential for their ability to engage classes and test the understanding and abilities of those in attendance. As Tavares explores, however, these tools are not foolproof, and educators need to be attentive and careful about how they use these capabilities so that everyone in the classroom benefits. You can use this piece to learn more about where you might encounter some shortcomings when bringing simulations into the classroom, but also some strategies for overcoming them. Tavares provides guidance to help create an invigorating educational environment where students learn and prepare for their careers. This provides a strong basis for educators interested in using technology and want to make sure that their efforts reach all of their students regardless of their past educational or cultural experiences.

5 Trends in education to watch out for in 2020

The world has begun to change rapidly with the advent of the 4th Industrial Revolution, and education has evolved right along with other industries. This article gives readers an excellent overview of some of the many changes that have begun to infiltrate the world of higher education. Readers learn about some of these inspiring trends and how teachers can incorporate them into their classrooms. The article covers topics such as the use of technology in education, the changes in student attention spans and the growing importance of soft skills in the workplace. Altogether, it helps provide an improved educational experience for students that equips them for their future. Uncover an overview of the most significant trends and see how they might be incorporated into the ever-evolving classroom.

COVID-19 and education: Successfully transitioning to online teaching

The global pandemic has presented a monumental challenge for people across all industries and professions. Within the education sectors, schools from elementary  to university have transitioned to online education in various forms and duration. This has caused considerable debate regarding the ability of the online classroom to provide students with an education that can be considered comparable to what students would receive in person. This article explores some of the tips and strategies that teachers can use to improve the learning opportunities for their classrooms as a whole. Instructors can use these ideas to improve the quality of instruction that their students can receive even at home. This piece is full of enduring advice, even after school transitions back to a more traditional format. The advice presented can assist educators in meeting the needs of their students in the technological age as online learning becomes a growing component of education at all levels. 

Virtual Reality: The future of education?

Between the global pandemic and the increasing prevalence of technology across all fields, it is no wonder that many have begun to wonder how the future of education will evolve. This article provides an excellent overview of some of the latest trends and ways that education in the future might look - certainly a little different compared to what we have now. Professionals in the industry offer their insights into the potential of virtual reality and technology as a whole to improve education and provide students with more opportunities to excel, from using gamification in the classroom to incorporating technology to provide students with real-world experiences. The authors also explore some of the challenges that might arise and how EHL is working to continue providing cutting-edge opportunities for students and staff alike.

Effective elements for optimum online learning modules: Learning Excellence

Digital learning and remote classrooms have provided educators and students with the opportunity they need to continue their education despite the ongoing health crisis. Although online learning has offered many benefits in the current circumstances, there is no doubt that many teachers and students continue to struggle with the format, expectations and the ability to provide a quality educational experience. This piece from Kanav Mata explores some excellent strategies that educators can incorporate into their classrooms to build engagement with their students. While recognizing that digital education is not the same as an in-person learning environment, but still believing that students can learn and prepare for their future careers through these tech-led experiences, Mata provides some concrete suggestions that educators can use to improve the experience for all concerned. This piece is beneficial to anyone wanting to maximize the teaching opportunities available, despite various laws and social distancing measures.

Game-based learning techniques to facilitate online teaching

With the online learning format, many teachers look for ways to improve their ability to engage with their students. It can be a challenge to hold the interest of students in a traditional classroom, but distractions abound even more when everyone works remotely. This article explores the benefits of incorporating game-based learning into the online classroom and the potential it can offer for students and teachers alike. The authors incorporated some game-based learning into their classroom and surveyed the students on the outcome, finding that many appreciated the opportunity and noting that it enhanced their learning environment. This piece provides a great introduction to how the gamification concept can be used as a learning strategy and how to help students remain interested and engaged in the learning process. For those interested in improving their digital classrooms, both in the face of the pandemic and with the rise of technology in the classroom, this will offer an excellent place to get started.

What makes an online learning module stand out from the rest?

Creating an engaging, digital classroom is a challenge for even the most seasoned educator. This article provides actionable advice for those who want to give their online classrooms a boost. The different strategies suggested here can make it easier to find the arrangement and environment that will help students thrive through their digital learning. With suggestions such as providing knowledge checks and micro-learning styles, educators can see what best assists their learners when engaging with the material. Readers can also explore the value of incorporating some socialization opportunities into the learning environment to boost student interest and engagement to thereby improve their ability to learn the material. This piece can guide instructors of all ages to create a rich educational digital environment.


Preparing for the changing face of education

The educational world continues to change at a lightning pace. The global pandemic has accelerated the adoption of more technology in the classroom.  As students and educators alike are in the process of learning more about how to make this unique type of pedagogical environment succeed, some important trends have emerged. Even when the pandemic itself dies down and schools return to more traditional forms of learning, incorporating some of these lessons and technological capabilities into the classroom will continue.

Those who want to stay on top of the latest developments and provide their students with the best possible learning experience can use these articles as an excellent means of diving into the potential of technology and education. From new professors preparing to teach their first classes to veteran lecturers, everyone can find something new and invigorating to learn and incorporate into their classes.