Hospitality News & Business Insights by EHL

A digital transformation roadmap for e-Learning plans

Written by Ana McFee | Jul 7, 2021 10:45:00 PM

Schools, universities and education providers of all shapes and sizes are experiencing a digital revolution, just as in all sectors of business. Industry 4.0. depicts a world where technology is heavily integrating into everyone's lives and exists only to enhance real-world experiences and interactions. People-centricity and individualization are the end goals, bringing with them an increased level of customer satisfaction, higher learning outcomes and greater profitability for the institution. But of course, data privacy concerns are a major roadblock which must be addressed along the way. Using a digital transformation roadmap is key to the successful execution of an e-Learning digital transition, ensuring each issue or roadblock is tackled in a methodical way. 

With this 10-step process, you will have all the tools you need
to master the critical areas of a successful school.

Why should education organizations embark on digital transformation?

For educational institutions, digital adoption is no longer a 'nice to have', but rather an essential transition to ensure relevance among the target market and sustainable profitability. In the wake of the pandemic, people have begun to realize the far-reaching power of education-driven technology.

As the digital world requires education providers to adopt new teaching methods, platforms and tools into the classroom and the entire customer journey, the institutions that make this shift appear seamless and at speed will no-doubt rise above the competition. 

Many organizations, including EHL, have decided to embark on the creation of a 'digital campus', meeting the growing demand for online, flexible and remote learning options.

EHL Group COO & Deputy CEO, Maxime Medina, once said that integrating technology into education was a 'matter of survival'! 

"Covid-19 has created an extraordinary opportunity to accelerate digitalization and create a new learning environment that is a much better fit for today’s student. Any organization failing to embrace digitalization risks obsolescence, as a new wave of education start-ups is waiting to grab the baton. Investing in the digital education revolution today is an important priority for all education providers", 

Maxime Medina.

What makes the education industry prime for digital transformation now?

The education sector, like most industries, has become increasingly customer-centric. Driving this trend is a need for ‘End-user Experience’ driven by ‘Digital Capabilities’ along with:

  • Workforce engagement taking precedence with the need for remote work access and continuous access to technology.
  • Data compliance and protecting information from cyberattacks and breaches.
  • Increasing dependencies on external agencies, distributors and suppliers raising the need for a unified network.

Why is a digital transformation roadmap essential to success?

A digital transformation roadmap will teach you how to plan and execute the successful implementation of a digital project for e-Learning plans in a formal education space. 

The roadmap should include key tasks and considerations for education leaders to consider at each stage, but is not an inclusive list and additional elements may be required to tailor the roadmap for the specific needs of each individual education institution. 

There are 6 key stages outlined in the roadmap, and each step is of equal importance for developing a watertight failsafe plan: 

  1. Ambition
  2. Design
  3. Decision
  4. Implementation
  5. Launch 
  6. Redefine

Ready to begin planning your digital transformation roadmap?

If you want to avoid as many roadblocks and hiccups as possible in your digital education transformation, it is advised to start with a clearly defined roadmap. Based on our knowledge and experience, we have clustered the suggested decision for the stages you will encounter. No need to swim in that shoreless ocean, our suggested roadmap will be your rescue buoy guiding your institute’s next success.