Hospitality News & Business Insights by EHL

Customer personalization: How tailoring experiences drives loyalty

Written by EHL Graduate School | May 15, 2024 4:00:00 PM

Personalization refers to tailoring products, services, content, and experiences to align with individual customers' preferences, interests, and behaviors. It goes beyond basic segmentation to provide a specialized, high-value customer experience.

Research shows that customers now expect and demand personalized interactions – 71% of consumers expect companies to deliver personalized interactions; while an even greater 76% get frustrated when this doesn’t happen. As technology unlocks new targeting capabilities, customer personalization has become essential for driving engagement, satisfaction, and sales.


Personalizing the customer experience means embracing technological advancements

The rise of personalization has been enabled by rapid advancements in technology over the past decade. Ubiquitous internet access, big data analytics, AI, and digital channels provide companies unprecedented ability to understand and respond to customers as individuals.

At the same time, consumers have come to expect hyper-relevant, tailored brand experiences versus outdated mass marketing approaches. Whereas brands once relied on basic demographics, today's digital footprints allow for 360-degree customer insight.

With customers empowered by choice, their demand for personalization continues to rise - with 63% saying poor personalization negatively impacts their brand perception. Competing in this landscape requires adopting personalization across the customer lifecycle.


Benefits of personalized customer experience

Done effectively, personalization delivers tremendous benefits, including:

Increased customer engagement and loyalty

Personalized experiences make customers feel valued and understood, fostering emotional connections that drive engagement and loyalty. 72% of customers say personalized content plays a key role in influencing their brand relationships and purchase decisions. By tailoring messaging to individual interests, profiles and behaviors, brands can earn affinity and keep customers engaged.

Higher conversion rates and sales

Personalized product recommendations, offers and experiences convert at higher rates by addressing individual needs in a relevant way. According to McKinsey, personalization can lift revenue by 15% on average. Segmented outreach also allows optimizing conversion funnels for each micro-segment.

Improved customer satisfaction and retention

Customer satisfaction rises when people receive proactive, customized support and interactions. MarketingTech reported that more than two-thirds of consumers are being sent irrelevant messages by brands, indicating a demand for tailored experiences. Meeting this need boosts satisfaction metrics like NPS.

Ability to provide specialized, high-value experiences

Personalization allows brands to tailor premium experiences to match customer interests and priorities, such as invitation-only events or exclusive content and products. This VIP treatment builds loyalty among top-tier segments.

Competitive differentiation

In a crowded marketplace, personalization is a differentiator. Companies that provide individualized experiences outpace competitors still relying on mass segmentation and blast marketing. It’s simple - personalization powers standout CX.

In summary, personalization done right pays exponential dividends across all key marketing, sales, and loyalty metrics - making the investments in enabling data, technologies, and customer-centric strategies very worthwhile. It should always be a top priority for forward-looking brands, now and beyond.


Boost customer service: Strategies for effective personalization

Implementing impactful personalization requires an integrated approach across teams, leveraging data/tech, and tailored strategies. So, how can brands put personalization principles into practice? Key strategies include:

Leverage data and analytics to understand customers

Robust data insights into individual customers are the fuel for personalization. Collecting transactional, behavioral, contextual, and preference data across touchpoints allows creating 360-degree customer profiles. Analytics tools then parse the data to uncover micro-segment nuances and insights for tailored engagement.

Use contextual cues and interactions to tailor messaging

Each interaction with a customer provides cues to inform personalized responses in real-time. For example, tailored product recommendations when a customer views a specific product, or customized cross-sell offers after a service appointment based on past purchase data.

Provide personalized recommendations and offers

Recommendation engines powered by algorithms and machine learning match customers to highly relevant products and offers based on their data profiles. For example, Spotify's Discover Weekly playlist uses listeners' preferences to suggest new personalized music recommendations every week.

Build emotional connections through relevant content

Content aligned to an individual's interests and needs feels more meaningful, building rapport. This is epitomised by the fact that personalized call-to-actions perform a huge 202% better than basic CTAs. Think how Netflix’s personalized homepage recommendations match your viewing habits.

Design individually customized products and service

Made-to-order customization takes personalization furthest. Nike's Nike By You custom shoe platform allows designing shoes tailored to each customer's style, feet and needs. However, customization capabilities require robust manufacturing and logistics coordination.

Adopt an organization-wide focus on personalization

A holistic approach ensures coordinated, consistent personalization. Marketing, sales, service, product teams should all leverage data-driven insights to optimize personal interactions across the customer lifecycle based on customer behavior, as Nike does so successfully.

In today's digital landscape, the brands that succeed will be those that best leverage data, analytics, and customer insight to demonstrate a meaningful, long-term understanding of customers as individuals - not merely as simplistic segments.

Overcoming personalization challenges

While impactful personalization delivers tremendous upside, it also poses inherent challenges that brands must mitigate:

Obtaining accurate, ethical customer data

Building comprehensive customer data profiles requires accessing disparate data streams in a secure, transparent manner with consent. Privacy regulations are increasing scrutiny on ethical data practices. Being transparent and allowing opt-outs is critical.

Achieving personalization at scale

The technologies, data infrastructure, and coordination required to deliver consistent tailored experiences across channels and touchpoints involves extensive investment. Orchestrating personalization at scale is an extremely complex undertaking.

Maintaining data security and transparency

With more customer data comes greater risks if compromised through cyber-attacks. Adopting rigorous data security protocols and protections is mandatory, as breach incidents can severely damage trust.

Managing rising costs and resources required

Funding the data, analytical, marketing automation, and engineering resources needed to power personalization represents significant startup and ongoing costs. The investment required gives some brands pause.

Yet these hurdles must be overcome to meet rising customer expectations. This requires substantial work, but establishing the capabilities to deliver consistent, high-quality personalization across customer touchpoints is now a necessity to satisfy sky-high customer experience demands. With prudent strategies and execution, the ROI and the myriad benefits of personalizing your marketing for your customer base will more than justify costs.


Digital customer experience and the power of personalization

The rapid growth of digital experiences has whetted a greater consumer appetite for personalized and relevant brand engagement. The data shows that customers almost resent generic, lazy, or disconnected experiences, while they reward brands that take the time to understand them as individuals.

New data capabilities, analytics and activation technologies empower brands to uncover nuanced customer insights and deliver tailored interactions that nurture loyalty across the customer lifecycle. When well-executed, personalization drives measurable lift across satisfaction, loyalty, engagement, conversions, and customer lifetime value.

But succeeding with personalization means brands must take an organization-wide, integrated approach to personalization spanning strategy, technology, data ethics, and execution across teams. This is not just a marketing capability – it impacts experiences end-to-end.

When done effectively, the return across metrics from customer satisfaction to revenue justifies the investment. Smart, customer-centric brands are adopting personalization as a core competency. They are connecting the dots across teams to orchestrate personalized journeys fueled by data.

Ultimately, customers now demand personalization as the standard – not the exception – and in today's customer-centric digital landscape with companies all fighting for attention, brands must either evolve to provide hyper-personalized experiences and long-term customer value or get left behind.